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What is content creation? And how can it help your business to grow?

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

In today’s world, content is pivotal for a number of reasons. Different industries value different forms of content to engage with customers and market themselves, whether for advertisement, information or entertainment purposes. From digital guides to social media, content creation is the perfect way to grow a business online while improving more technical aspects such as SEO. In this article, we’ll delve deeper into the concept of content creation, the different types and why it’s important.

What is content creation?

Content creation is a modern, efficient way of inbound marketing where people or businesses will provide useful forms of content for existing and potential customers. When it comes to the actual body of content, the topics generated will need to appeal to your buyer’s persona and specific audience type meaning different industries may invest in different formats. Content may include written, visual or interactive materials which aim to boost online presence, inform readers and promote a particular product/service.

Types of content creation

Choosing the type of content you want to produce can often seem overwhelming with so much creativity and resources available in today’s digital world. The type of content your business will focus on will depend greatly on who it is for, its purpose and what you want to gain. Here are some of the main forms of content creation used within business marketing.

SEO content

Although this involves different forms of content, SEO content specifically refers to writing keyword-targeted articles and web pages. Keywords are words and phrases that your customers will use when searching on Google and will be a huge influence on where in the search results your website lands. This means, that if you are producing SEO-specific content through the means of monthly blogs and landing pages, there is a greater chance of climbing search results.


As mentioned previously, creating an online blog is a great way of improving on-page SEO and gaining website traffic, however many businesses also use blog creation as a way of sharing new product launches, company updates and more specific topics such as company values and history. Blog creation involves writing high-quality, long-form content which is typically keyword-targeted and covers a range of relevant, highly searched terms and topics.

Social media

Social media is now one of the biggest forms of content marketing, offering the ability to reach customers worldwide whilst producing creative, engaging content that branches away from static text. From infographics to videos and polls, social media has opened a whole new world in terms of creation. The forms of content involved include UGC imagery and videos, graphics, interactive posts, stories and reels. The platform that a company chooses will depend on its target audience as different age categories are found to be using different platforms. For instance, users between the ages of 18 and 34 are using Instagram whereas LinkedIn is mainly used by professionals between the ages of 40 and 55.

Video Marketing

From 5-minute guides to hour-long webinars, video marketing is a highly engaging way to advertise, inform, entertain, persuade and argue. The average customer is now being exposed to such a high range of content that creating something interactive and entertaining is key.

Email marketing

This form of content marketing is predominantly used to inform your email list of new products and services, recent discounts, company announcements and projects. Different companies will use their email services in different ways and may send monthly newsletters which cover a range of different topics or announcements.

Read more: email techniques to increase engagement.

Which form of content is right for your business?

Knowing which content to opt for can be difficult as you don’t want to invest time and money into resources that aren’t worth it or aren’t producing results. One of the most important things to consider when planning content is knowing what your audience wants. What platforms are they using? Do they use mobile or desktop? Do they prefer video or text? What’s trending at the moment? Using analytics and data can help to find more specific details and decide which content is best and will produce the best outcomes.

Key things to consider when planning content creation:

  • What persona are you targeting?
  • At what stage of the customer journey will the content appear?
  • Company budget – time and money
  • Do you need any additional assistance or resources?
  • Who will this piece of content benefit?
  • How will the business benefit?
  • What platforms and functions should you be focusing on?

Digital marketing agency for businesses in and around Dubai

Imaginaire is a team of skilled, experienced marketers, offering digital marketing solutions for small and medium businesses in and around Dubai. We offer digital marketing services that help you grow, creating an outsourced digital marketing service department for your business that specialises in search marketing.

To find out more about our services or if you have any marketing enquiries, get in touch on 0115 971 8908 and our team will be happy to assist!

Annie is imaginaire's Digital Marketing Executive and covers topics such as social media, web design, SEO and content.

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